Diagnosing Learning Disabilities and ADHD in Children & Adults

in Austin

Diagnostic Learning provides individualized, comprehensive assessments

in Austin to diagnose

learning disabilities including dyslexia, ADHD, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia

  • Testing for Learning Disabilities

    An Individual has a learning disability when they have average to above average ability but are struggling In one or more academic areas.

  • Testing for ADHD

    Individuals with ADHD have a hard time paying attention especially when the task is boring or overwhelming and can often feel restless or act impulsively.

  • Testing for Dyslexia

    A reading disability that causes difficulties understanding how sounds and letters come together to make a word. This often causes struggles with one’s ability to recognize and decode words, read fluently, and spell

  • Testing for Dysgraphia

    Difficulty with the skills that allow us to produce written work like handwriting, typing, and spelling.

  • Testing for Dyscalculia

    A specific learning disability in math that causes individuals to struggle with a variety of math concepts and skills.

  • SAT and ACT Accommodations

    Students with documented disabilities can be eligible to receive accommodations on standardized assessments. Our evaluations meet ACT/SAT documentation requirements.

  • College Disability Support

    All colleges and universities offer support services to students with learning disabilities, including dyslexia and ADHD. Diagnostic Learning Services offers evaluations that meet documentation requirements for accommodations.

  • Qb Test

    Qb Test is an FDA cleared advanced computer-based test that objectively measures core ADHD symptoms including activity, attention, and impulsivity.

We evaluate skills in many areas such as:

  • Long and Short Term Memory

  • Academic Achievement

  • Visual and Auditory Processing

  • Processing Skills/Speed

  • Comprehension and Fluency

  • Problem solving

  • Reading, Spelling, and Vocabulary

  • Math and Math Calculations

  • Executive Functioning Skills

Our Process

Easy Scheduling

Schedule your assessment with a quick phone call. In most cases we can do the evaluation within 2-3 weeks, depending on your schedule.

Our Evaluation

The client and the certified diagnostician work together through a variety of interactive tasks that allow us to gain insight into how the client learns and processes information. Our assessments range from 3-4 hours depending on the age of the individual.

Results Review

The client and their family meet with our directors within a reasonable time frame (typically within 2 weeks of the assessment) to discuss the evaluation results and our personalized recommendations for support.

Our Goal

We strive to make sure our clients have a solid understanding of their assessment results, that includes answering everyone’s questions and creating a roadmap for success moving forward.