Testing for Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a reading disorder that causes difficulties with understanding how sounds and letters come together to make a word.  This often causes struggles with accurate and/or fluent word recognition, sounding out of unfamiliar words, reading fluency, and spelling.

With dyslexia, a person has received adequate instruction but has significant difficulties in reading, writing, and spelling. Reading difficulties experienced by an individual with dyslexia are unexpected in relation to other their other abilities. 

Dyslexia is NOT letter and number reversals, writing or reading backwards, or the words moving on the page.

Primary Characteristics of Dyslexia

  • Difficulty accurately decoding unfamiliar words

  • Difficulty with oral reading (slow, inaccurate, or labored)

  • Difficulty spelling

  • Difficulty reading words in isolation

  • Math skills in the average range

  • Difficulty with written composition

  • Family history of similar problems

  • Difficulty learning the names of the letters and their associated sounds.

In addition, we will use the assessment information to makes relevant recommendations for school, work, and everyday life.

Call today for more information about how we assess and diagnose dyslexia.

Diagnostic Learning Services has been assessing adults and children since 2004